I Wanted To Share A Story Of An Incredible Family!
Good evening! I wanted to share a story of an incredible family! My cousin, Claire (Griffith) Erickson is from Carbondale, Colorado. She is now married to Justin Erickson and they now reside in Red Lodge, Montana. Both are avid skiers/snowboarders. They have 2 children, Shay is 5 yrs old and Peri is 3 1/2 yrs old.

Shortly after birth, Peri was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia, a rare liver disease. Since then, Peri has had surgeries, complications, and many many travels from Montana to Denver. A few were life flights. Peri is such an amazing spirit and you would never know she was battling this disease by watching her. Last month the doctors decided to start testing for a living liver donor. My cousin, Peri’s mamma, Claire was the first to undergo the testing and she was a match! On March 21st, Claire was at the University of Colorado Hospital having a portion of her liver removed and then will be transported to The Children’s Hospital where little Peri will be waiting for her mother's gift.
I wanted to write to you to share their story as they are an incredible family. My Aunt and Uncle, Claire’s parents still reside in Carbondale and are active In the community. Claire and her husband Justin also worked at the Aspen Ski Company!

On May 6th, the family will be having a silent auction and dinner fundraiser in Carbondale. I’m hoping you all can help share their story as we are trying to make it as successful as possible. With the liver transplant taking place, Claire and Peri will have to stay in Colorado, away from their home in Red Lodge, Montana for at least 3-4 months. Justin and their son, Shay will be commuting back and forth as much as possible but the fundraising will help lift the burden on them as Justin is the sole provider for the family. This is a tough time for dad/husband also and I created a picture that was taken with him and quoted something he said in a recent interview with the Billings Gazette.

I really found it ironic that Chris Klug is so close to their home and also a well-known snowboarder who has a similar story. Thank you for considering my wish to share their story to reach as many people as we can!
With much love….Darcy Pastian