Meet-N-Greet: Allison and Jennifer Herr We were able to meet up with Allison and Jennifer Herr at the Transplant Games of America in Cleveland, Ohio to hear how transplantation had touched their lives.Allison received a liver transplant when she was 2 and a half years old. She was born with biliary atresia disease which is a rare disease of the liver and bile ducts that occurs in infants. Symptoms typically develop or appear about two to eight weeks after birth. Allison's Mother, Jennifer, wasn't sure that Allison was going to make it. After she was on the transplant waitlist for a year and nine months she received a life-saving liver transplant.After Allison was on the transplant waitlist for a year and nine months she received a life-saving liver transplant. Jennifer expressed how hard it is because you are happy but someone else is saying good-bye to their loved one forever and they will never physically see them again. The positive thing about organ donation that Jennifer pointed out is that spiritually the other person is here with their organ recipients and the organ donors can go on in life through them.Jennifer said that "If you can look beyond the tunnel and see a little bit of light that your loved one will go on forever and never fade out because you have someone here who is physically promoting them." That is a beautiful thing.  




I was rushed into emergency surgery immediately following my birth and 98% of my intestines were removed


I Wanted To Share A Story Of An Incredible Family!