What is The Unspoken?

The aim is to is to discuss everything not discussed when it comes to donation and transplantation.

The series focuses on different topics, bringing in members from various areas of the donation and transplantation community to discuss their experiences, and help support and advise others in similar positions. The series hopes to raise awareness, encourage individuals to become organ, eye, and tissue donors ,and provide support for those going through the transplant process.

Check out the upcoming topics and the previous episodes from when the series was a webinar.

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Check out the newest episode of The Unspoken.

In this episode of The Unspoken Podcast, host Anna Morgan-Palardy speaks with Paula from NMDP about the critical topic of stem cell donation. They discuss the importance of increasing the donor registry, the myths surrounding the donation process, and the personal journey of becoming a donor. Paula shares her own experience as a donor, the significance of diversity in the registry, and the support provided to donors throughout the process. The conversation emphasizes the need for education and outreach to encourage more individuals to join the registry and help save lives.

Previous Webinars -

  • Mental Health & Caregiving

    Anna was joined by the lovely Riki Graves, Tammy Hinman and Abby Gray to discuss the importance of Mental Health and Caregiving. Enjoy an open and honest conversation about the pressures of caring for a loved one experiencing transplantation.

  • 2024 Live Life Give Life Webinar

    Our esteemed 2023 CKF Award Winners Dave Galbenski and Katrina Fountain joined us to share their journeys and experiences in the transplant and donation community. We discuss everything from receiving a transplant to becoming a donor and the CKF Awards!

  • Pancreas Transplants

    Pancreas transplants are extremely rare, with under 1,000 completed in 2021 compared with over 25,000 kidney transplants. This often leads to a lack of information, knowledge, and support for those facing a pancreas transplant. We aim to change this as we delve into the world of pancreas transplants with our wonderful guests Jen Benson, Callie Dufault, and Glenda Daggert.

  • Intestine Transplant

    We sat down with three intestine transplants to discuss the ins and outs of an intestine transplant. We were joined by the sensational Swapna Kakani, Garrett Taira, and Wendy Ryan! A big thank you to this month's partners, Transplant Unwrapped. We dove into pre, during and post transplant.

  • Pregnancy Post Transplant

    Last year, during our Women in Transplant Webinar, we discovered that pregnancy post-transplant is a big question for our transplant recipients. This is why, in our most recent webinar, we sat down with transplant recipients Joelle, Debra, and Haley from the National Kidney Foundation as well as Lisa from the Transplant Pregnancy Registry. Take a listen as we break down some of the biggest questions surrounding transplant and pregnancy.

  • Understanding the Medical Talk

    We are back with another webinar with you. This time, we are back looking through the lens of a recipient. We sat down with three transplant recipients and delved into this crucial topic. We were joined by Dr Alin Gragossian, Megan Muzer and Denise Redeker. Each had different transplant journies and experiences but had one thing in common: they had to learn to understand the medical talk.

  • Donor Families

    We sat down with volunteers from the Donation Community to discuss organ donation and the world of being a donor family. Join us as we discuss the donation process, resources available to support donors, and connecting with the community

  • Minority In Transplant

    Our CKF Intern, Calvin sat down with several members of the transplant community to discuss the importance of minorities in transplant. This webinar was recorded in honor of National Minority Donor Awareness Month.

  • Blood Donation

    We were joined by three specialists from the world of blood donation! This webinar aims to explain to viewers the process of blood donation and dispel any myths and misconceptions surrounding the topic. Currently, only 3% of Americans donate blood annually, and over 16 million blood components are transfused yearly.

  • Finance & Transplantation

    This webinar aims to help transplant recipients and their families become confident in their financial position when experiencing a transplant. We want to introduce a few of the options available to them.

  • Mental Health & Transplant

    This webinar is being hosted in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month to shine a light on the struggles transplant recipients may experience throughout their journey. The webinar will feature several transplant recipients who will talk about their experiences and share their advice for others in the community.

  • Life Post Transplant

    We are delighted to have been joined by three incredible transplant recipients. This session discusses the post-transplant world and aims to inspire those going through the process.

  • Myths & Misconceptions

    We tackle some of the biggest myths surrounding organ, eye, and tissue donation as well as transplantation.

  • Transplantation & Housing

    This webinar highlights the importance of housing for transplant recipients and aims to help viewers navigate their pre, during, and post-transplant housing journeys.

  • Life with a Liver Transplant

    This webinar focuses on liver transplants and the journey from beginning through life post-transplant. It looks at the good, bad and ugly that come with a liver transplant and how you can reach success after!

  • Living with A Recycled Heart

    Life with a transplanted heart can be challenging, and this webinar aims to analyze the process and provide support and inspiration for those starting and continuing their journeys.

  • Living through a Lung Transplant

    This webinar aims to support those going through a lung transplant and the challenges that come along with it.

  • Transplant Siblings

    It can be hard to balance the needs of multiple children especially when one is a transplant recipient. This webinar aims to give families ideas and inspiration to deal with these pressures.

  • Bounce Back Give Back

    We aim to share inspiring stories of transplant journeys with our viewers, and this webinar is just about as inspiring as it gets. Meet our 2021 Bounce Back Give Back Award Winners.

  • Women in Transplant

    There are so many influential women in transplant, and the process can be very different for a woman vs. a man. This webinar aims to look at some of those differences and inspire women in the transplant community.

  • National Donor Sabbath

    Religion can play a crucial role in your donation and transplant journey, so we decided to host our National Donor Sabbath Webinar. CKF spoke with several faith leaders from various religions about the importance of organ donation, the stance of each religion, and how religion and organ donation can work together hand in hand.

  • Pediatric Transplant

    Focused specifically on pediatric transplant, this webinar consisted of four panelists and highlighted these inspiring individuals and medical professionals within the pediatric transplant community.

  • Living Organ Donation

    This was the second webinar in our 2020 Patient Ambassador series and it was all about living organ donation! Our four panelists came from diverse backgrounds within the transplant community and spoke of their own personal experiences with living donation. The discussion was followed by a Q&A session where viewers had the chance to ask their own questions on the subject and receive insight from our guest speakers.

  • COVID-19 & Organ Transplant

    It's time for another Patient Ambassador webinar! CKF joined forces with the COVID-19 Transplant Coalition (which we are a part of!) to host our November webinar, focused on a hot topic that is especially important for transplant recipients and immunosuppressed individuals: COVID-19. The webinar took place on Nov. 19th and featured 3 guest speakers within the medical and transplant communities, moderated by our very own, Chris Klug.

  • Caring For Caregivers

    When we think of organ transplantation, we tend to focus mainly on the people who require that transplant to save their life, while overlooking those closest to the patient who provide constant care and support to ensure their recovery. On June 17th, 2021, CKF highlighted these individuals—transplant caregivers—in our Caring for Caregivers webinar, where we spoke with caregivers of transplant recipients to hear their side of the transplant process.

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