Donate Life Month Event Schedule
April 3rd-7th: Oaks Christian High School, CA
There will be a lot of sports games being played throughout the week to help raise awareness about the importance of organ donation. There will be over 200 green socks flooding the JV and Varsity Lacrosse teams, the JV and Varsity Baseball teams and the Golf Team.
April 5th: Roaring Fork High School
We will be taking over at the Roaring Fork High School on April 5th to inspire, educate and register students as organ donors. We will inform the students about hosting a Donor Dude Event, a Donor Dude Game or getting our new online curriculum taught in their school.
April 6th: Colorado Rocky Mountain School
We will be conducting a presentation on April 6th at the Colorado Rocky Mountain School for the students. Chris Klug will be speaking to them about the importance of organ donation and how he has used his second chance at life to inspire people to become organ donors. We will be there after the presentation with a booth for further questions about hosting a Donor Dude Event, a Donor Dude Game or getting our new online curriculum taught in their school, and to register people as organ donors.
April 7th: Carbondale First Friday ‘Spring into Wellness’ Fair
We will have a booth out in Carbondale for the ‘Spring into Wellness’ Fair on April 7th for First Friday. We will be among other health and wellness professionals informing the community about the services and business they have around them. We will be there from 5:00pm-9:00pm. Make sure to stop by, say hello, play some games and register to become and organ donor.
April 8th: CKF Ski Day at Buckhorn Cabin
Join us on April 8th at the Buckhorn Cabin on Aspen Mountain with friends and family to help raise awareness about organ donation and those who have been gifted with a second chance at life. We will have live music, games, food, and beverages.Please wear green and blue colors which are the colors of organ donation. The person with the best outfit will win a prize!
RSVP to this event by clicking here.
April 12th: Glenwood Springs High School
We will be taking over at the Glenwood Spring High School on April 12th to inspire, educate and register students as organ donors. We will inform the students about hosting a Donor Dude Event, a Donor Dude Game or getting our new online curriculum taught in their school.
April 12th: Yampah Mountain High School
We will be conducting a presentation on April 12th at the Yampah Mountain High School for the students. Chris Klug will be speaking to them about the importance of organ donation and how he has used his second chance at life to inspire people to become organ donors. We will be there after the presentation with a booth for further questions about hosting a Donor Dude Event, a Donor Dude Game or getting our new online curriculum taught in their school, and to register people as organ donors.
April 17th: Sunset Rotary Club
We will be presenting to the Glenwood Springs Sunset Rotary Club on April 17th to inform them about organ donation and how they can get involved in their community by hosting a Donor Dude Event or a Donor Dude Game. We will also be presenting our new online curriculum that can be used in schools across the united states.
April 20th: Mt. Sopris Rotary Club
We will be presenting to the Carbondale Mt. Sopris Rotary on April 20th to inform them about organ donation and how they can get involved in their community by hosting a Donor Dude Event or a Donor Dude Game. We will also be presenting our new online curriculum that can be used in schools across the united states.
April 21st: Donate Life Blue & Green Day
We encourage everyone across the nation to show their support for Donate Life Blue & Green Day by wearing a fun combination of blues and greens. We will be posting out pictures that day to our social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram of fun outfits that we see people wearing.
April 25th: UC Health
We will be visiting UC Health on April 25th to meet with pre and post transplant patients. We will be meeting with their medical staff and take a tour of their facility and help inspire people to live life to the fullest.
April 27th-29th: North Carolina Drivers Education Conference
Our Executive Director Lauren Pierce will be traveling to North Carolina to present our new online curriculum to all the members of the 47th North Carolina Driver and Traffic Saftey Education Association (NCDTSEA).
Ongoing Throughout The Month

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