This Is My Day To Give Back
Last week we went to the Denver Children's Hospital with our Patient Ambassador Seth and his mother Tammy. Seth is 12 years old and has had three liver transplants. It was very special to get to spend some time with Seth and Tammy while we were helping to lift the spirits of children that were visiting the Children's Hospital for their post-transplant visits. To read about Seth's inspiring Donor Story click here.[gallery size="large" ids="3139,3138,3140"]We saw children from just under a year to 16 years old. It was really a fantastic time getting to speak with them and their families and present them with some holiday gifts to help lift their spirits and bring them hope. Seth was eager and outgoing about talking to each patient that we were able to meet with and every kid he talked to left his presence smiling. We got to see 10 children who had either received a kidney or a liver transplant.Our Patient Ambassador Program is focused on helping to inspire those touched by transplantation. It was extremely special to get to see the children's eyes light up when they saw how well Seth was doing after receiving three life-saving liver transplants. Seth was very kind and encouraging to all of the children we met with. We were graciously thanked by the children for the gifts and by both the children and their families for coming to help inspire them to stay strong. It is always such a gift to be able to show others, especially young children that there is a good quality of life after transplant.Here is a write up from Seth who enjoys writing and wrote about his experience as a Patient Ambassador at the Denver Children's Hospital.Hi,I’m Seth and I have survived three liver transplants, six surgeries, and countless procedures. Today, I visited some patients. Here’s what happened…………………………………We arrived at the hospital a little late. We still made it. Today I am talking to some patients and giving them hope. I’m with the Chris Klug Foundation and this is my day to give back.8:30am
I met my first patient. She was Latina and her mom only spoke Spanish…her daughter had to speak for her. She translated about my transplants. I gave them a gift. We were doing that all the patients they thanked us and went on. We waited…another transplant patient! He was very young, one year old. He had his transplant at 8 months. We took a picture. Then we went up to the kidney center. We met a sixteen-year-old kid. He was up to my shoulders and had only one transplant but had many complications. Then we met a girl and her sister who had a kidney transplant. Then we met twins - one who had a kidney transplant. I am happy to give back. Today is my day to live, and when I pass I will give life this is the donor dudes and we live life and give life.11:30amWe thanked Anna, the women from Chris Klug Foundation then took off………………………………....‘Be a donor’- Seth