In June 2013, our mom was diagnosed with end-stage kidney failure. She is currently on dialysis three times a week and is in need of a life-saving kidney transplant. Unfortunately, with none of our family members proving to be a compatible match and less than 1% of theSouth African population registered as organ donors, her future is rather uncertain.
However, refusing to give up on life and motivated by her passion for wildlife, using the little energy she had remaining, she began painting the beautiful platters (pictured on our Facebook and Instagram pages).

Her aim: to raise funds for organ donation and wildlife conservation.For this reason, unbeknown to her, we (her three children) took it upon ourselves to set up #ThePlatterProject, which has received an overwhelming amount of support.

Our vision is: “To provide a platform for individuals or businesses to fulfill their social responsibility by raising funds for an organization associated with either organ donation or wildlife conservation, in a short- or long- term manner. In return, #ThePlatterProject will provide a platter, which the individual can keep for themselves or the business can use for a competition as a prize/gift.”We firmly believe in the power of a collaborative effort and know there are many ways in which our vision can be realized. With that said, we look forward to hearing from you and potentially working with you, to do just that.Warmest regards,The Wilkinson Family.

(Important to note: Firstly, these platters are hand painted by our mom and we are thus limited to when she is feeling well enough to paint. This adds to their uniqueness. Secondly, #ThePlatterProject will mediate the DIRECT transfer of funds from sponsor to the organization).