The Beginning of the Gift of Sight
We were fortunate enough to be invited to go behind the scenes into Sierra Donor Services in Sacramento, California as apart of our Patient Ambassador Program with Astellas. We were joined by our Patient Ambassador Valen who has received a kidney transplant 15 years ago and her mother who received a cornea transplant 22 years ago.
We were given a tour of their facility. They brought us into the lab -after suiting up from head to toe in protective gear in order to maintain a sterile environment- to see how their team tactfully and methodically procure the cornea for transplant. Needless to say, this was an experience of a lifetime especially for Valen's mother to see how her cornea would have been prepared prior to her transplant.

It is amazing to get a sneak peek into the process of preparing a cornea for transplant. The team at Sierra Donor Services displayed the utmost respect when handling and preparing the precious cornea. We greatly appreciate their team giving us a tour and taking time to demonstrate their skill and expertise in the world of cornea transplants. It truly was an overwhelming experience of inspiration.