SHAPE America Convention, Colorado Springs
The Chris Klug Foundation went to the 2016 SHAPE America Convention in Colorado Springs. We were able to speak with Physical Education Professionals and students from across Colorado about the importance of organ donation awareness.
SHAPE America helps to ensure that children from Pre-K thru college have the opportunity to lead healthy, physically actives lives. It was founded in 1885 and works with 50 states affiliates and partners to support fitness programs. They believe in supporting research related to health and physical education, dance, sport and physical activity.

During the SHAPE America Convention, we were invited on a VIP tour of the Colorado Springs Olympic Training Center. We were shown around the campus by a few different Olympians who showed us where they lived, ate and worked out to become the top of the top. It was extremely inspiring and such a great way to see how the importance of educating our youth about living a physically active lifestyle can really pay off.

Anna Sophia (left) received a heart transplant when she was a baby.